Проблеми взаємовідносин історичного краєзнавства та шкільного курсу історії України.


  • І. В. Шинкаренко

Ключові слова:

study of local lore, history, problems, methods, school course, ways and methods, research


The article highlights the connection between historical study of local lore and the school course in the history of Ukraine. The author considers the place and role of local history in the presentation of history, gives an analysis of the arsenal of individual forms and methods of local history teacher of history. New ways and methods of popularizing knowledge from the history of Ukraine and its individual region are presented. The problems and achievements of school regional studies are analyzed on the example of the work of a history teacher. The basic requirements for a history teacher as an organizer of local history work at the school are formulated.


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Проблеми організації краєзнавчої діяльності